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On May 15, 2024, the final oral stage of the IV edition of the Moot Court tournament for law and administration students, "Legal Representation before the National Appeal Chamber," took place at the Public Procurement Office headquarters in Warsaw.

The tournament was organized by the Public Procurement Law Association. The IV edition was held under the honorary patronage of the President of the Public Procurement Office, Hubert Nowak, and the President of the National Appeal Chamber, Jan Kuzawiński. The award ceremony was attended by the Director General of the PPO, Marek Redźko, and Jan Roliński, Board Member of the SPZP.

The cash prize for the first place was funded by the Public Procurement Law Association and the Public Procurement Law Section of the Warsaw Bar Association.

The final competition involved teams from four universities:

Team 1 - Adam Mickiewicz University (supervisor: Dr. Jarosław Kola):

Anna Cynkarz
Jakub Bronka
Szymon Siuda
Alex Zinenko

Team 2 - Kozminski University in Warsaw (supervisor: Dr. Zofia Snażyk):

Zuzanna Nowak
Adam Roszkowski
Alicja Ziemlińska

Team 3 - Cracow University of Economics (supervisor: Dr. Małgorzata Moras):

Martyna Abram
Kamila Bochniarz
Pola Filipowicz
Katarzyna Leszczyńska
Aleksandra Pintal

Team 4 - University of Szczecin (supervisor: Adv. Piotr Mazuro):

Weronika Lencewicz
Julia Pakuła
Marita Romańczuk
Katarzyna Rytwińska

The final part consisted of teams acting as legal representatives of contractors in a simulated hearing before the National Appeal Chamber (NAC).

The competition was judged by a jury consisting of:

Jan Kuzawiński – President of the National Appeal Chamber
Paulina Sawicka – representative of the Public Procurement Law Section of the Warsaw Bar Association
Magdalena Grabarczyk – former member of the National Appeal Chamber (2007 - 2022)
Sylwester Kuchnio – former member of the National Appeal Chamber (2009 - 2017)

Members of the PPLA assumed the role of the contracting authority:

Adv. Irena Skubiszak
Adv. Żaneta Urbaniak
Adv. Michał Wojciechowski
Adv. Witold Sławiński

The final closely resembled actual proceedings before the NAC. In evaluating the oral presentations, the judges considered not only their substantive quality but also the composure and ability to respond to the jury's questions and the precision of the rebuttals.

Results of the IV edition of the Moot Court: "Legal Representation before the National Appeal Chamber":

First place - University of Szczecin

Second place ex aequo was awarded to the remaining teams:

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Kozminski University in Warsaw
Cracow University of Economics

Moreover, this year's jury decided to award the title of "best speaker" to two students:

Julia Pakuła from the University of Szczecin team
Szymon Siuda from the Adam Mickiewicz University team

"We are very pleased that another edition of our tournament has attracted so much interest. This event is an important part of the Association's educational mission, and we believe it will contribute to the popularization of public procurement law among students and encourage them to pursue careers in this field," added Wojciech Merkwa, Board Member of the Association.

Congratulations to the winners and all participants!

In the Rzeczpospolita daily, an article titled "False statement by a third party – rights of the contractor and the client" appeared, authored by Paulina Sawicka, a member of SPZP.

The author analyzes issues related to false statements by third parties in Public Procurement Law. She focuses on Article 122 of the act, which allows the client to demand that the contractor replace the third party if it has provided false information. She emphasizes that jurisprudence on this matter is divided, both at the national level and in light of rulings by the European Court of Justice, which often take a more liberal approach to the possibility of replacing the third party.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In a comment on an article authored by Sławomir Wikariak, published in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Aldona Kowalczyk, the President of the SPZP Board, points out the difficulties associated with certifying the knowledge and experience of contractors under the new law on certification of public procurement contractors.

According to Aldona Kowalczyk, standardizing the requirements for experience and qualifications is problematic, especially in the context of complex and innovative orders. This issue is a key challenge for the effectiveness and efficiency of the certification system.

The article is available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the Rzeczpospolita daily, an article titled "For whom is the Polish public procurement market" appeared, authored by Michał Wojciechowski, a member of SPZP.

The author discusses the participation of foreign contractors in the Polish public procurement market, noting that their presence is relatively low but increasing, especially in the context of strategic infrastructure investments. In 2022, foreign contractors accounted for 24% of the value of orders exceeding EU thresholds. Michał Wojciechowski points out changes in the law that may affect the market's accessibility for foreign firms, which has sparked controversy among local contractors. He also addresses examples from Romania and Croatia, where regulations have been introduced to limit the participation of foreign firms in public tenders, illustrating the dynamic and complex relationship between openness and the protection of national interests in the public procurement market.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the daily Rzeczpospolita, an article titled "The contractor's contractual past – the continuation of an endless story..." by Wojciech Merkwa, a board member of SPZP, was published.

The author discusses changes in Polish Public Procurement Law related to the introduction of the Single European Procurement Document (SEPD), emphasizing its aim to simplify and informalize tender procedures. However, he points out resulting problems, such as issues regarding the truthfulness of submitted declarations and ambiguities concerning the required level of detail in information.

The publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "The commitment to provide resources is not everything" by Weronika Jędrzejewska, a member of SPZP, was published in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

The author discusses the legal consequences associated with the commitment to provide resources in the context of Public Procurement Law. She points out the growing protection of subcontractors in the supply chain for public orders and the duties and risks arising from subcontracting commitments. She emphasizes that the commitment to provide resources itself is not treated as a preliminary agreement and does not always lead to the conclusion of a subcontracting agreement.

The publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

We invite students from faculties of law and administration to participate in the fourth edition of the Moot Court tournament: "Legal representation before the National Appeals Chamber".

The competition is organized by The Public Procurement Law Association, in partnership with the Public Procurement Law Section of the Warsaw Bar Association.

The President of the Public Procurement Office (UZP) and the President of the National Appeals Chamber (NAC) have granted their honorary patronage to the fourth edition of the tournament. Thanks to the courtesy of the President of the UZP, this year's final will be of a unique nature and will take place in the courtroom at the headquarters of the UZP.

The tournament consists of a simulation of proceedings before the NAC based on a case study related to the issue of conducting proceedings for the award of public contracts in accordance with the Public Procurement Law regulations.
We invite 2-5 member teams along with their tutors, selected in qualifications by universities, to participate. Tutors wishing to register their teams are asked to do so using the registration forms, which should be sent to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We foresee a cash prize of 8,000 PLN for the team that takes first place, jointly funded by the Association of Public Procurement Law and the Warsaw Bar Association.


  • By April 18, 2024 – completion of university qualifications and team registrations (including submission of team compositions and sending GDPR statements).
  • April 19, 2024 – drawing of case studies (for assignment to respective teams), publication of case studies assigned to teams.
  • By April 23, 2024 – teams may submit questions regarding the case content; the Organizer will publish answers without undue delay.
  • By April 29, 2024, 5:00 PM – submission to the Organizer of prepared legal documents according to task descriptions resulting from assigned case studies.
  • May 8, 2024 – the Organizer will inform Participants of decisions qualifying them for the oral phase, i.e., simulation of a session and hearing before the National Appeals Chamber, conducted according to the tournament regulations.
  • May 15, 2024 – session and hearing, oral phase.

The Organizer reserves the right to change the tournament schedule.
More information is available in the rules.

An article titled "Who and when is responsible for the violation of public finance discipline" by Irena Skubiszak-Kalinowska, a member of SPZP, was published in the Rzeczpospolita daily. 

The author discusses the principles of liability for violations of public finance discipline, emphasizing that effective accountability requires meeting strictly defined conditions. She points out the need for a thorough analysis of whether a violation has occurred, assessment of culpability, and the harmfulness of the act to public finances, noting that this process is complex and requires careful consideration of each case.

The publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the Rzeczpospolita daily, an article titled "Appellate proceedings may proceed without a Verdict" appeared, authored by Anna Prigan, a member of SPZP.

The author emphasizes various aspects and legal consequences of withdrawing an appeal, the acknowledgment of the appeal by the contracting authority, and situations in which the appellate proceedings become unnecessary or inadmissible.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the Rzeczpospolita daily, an article titled "The Problem of Employment During the Execution of Public Orders" appeared, authored by Andrzej Czerniak, a member of SPZP.

The author discusses problems related to employment in the execution of public orders. He emphasizes that although the 2019 law imposed an obligation on contractors to define requirements related to employment based on a contract of employment, in practice there is a lack of precision in documenting employment and controlling the fulfillment of requirements, as well as guidelines for sanctions.

The author notes that these deficiencies lead to inadequate implementation of control and may discourage the application of regulations intended to protect forms of employment for workers.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the "Rzeczpospolita" daily, an article titled "Recommendations for Contractual Penalty Provisions" was published, authored by Martyna Wójcik, a member of SPZP.

The article addresses recommendations from the General Procuratorate of the Republic of Poland on formulating contractual penalty provisions in the area of public procurement. The General Procuratorate provides practical guidelines on formulating such provisions, based on art. 483 of the Civil Code.

The author explains the concept of a contractual penalty, presents the purpose of the recommendations, and provides guidance on their inclusion in contracts.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the Rzeczpospolita daily, an article titled "Relying on the economic situation of a third party" was published, authored by Agnieszka Matusiak, a member of SPZP.

The author discusses the rules of utilizing the economic resources of a third party by the contractor in the context of public procurement procedures. She emphasizes the necessity for the contractor to prove that they will indeed have access to the shared resources during the execution of the order.

She also points to the obligation of the ordering party to verify the fulfillment of participation conditions and selection criteria by the contractor, as well as the possibility of joint liability of the third party and the contractor for any damage incurred by the ordering party in case of non-provision of resources.

The publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the "Rzeczpospolita" daily, an article titled "Tax rate and pricing mistake – searching for a solution" has been published, written by Tomasz Michalczyk, a member of SPZP.

The article addresses the issues of applying the incorrect VAT rate in bids during public procurement processes. Errors in including the rate can lead to the rejection of the bid, though this shouldn't always be the case.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily

In the "Rzeczpospolita" daily, an article titled "The Winding Road to Greater Reciprocity in Markets" was published, written by Ludmiła Kitaszewska, a member of SPZP.

The author discusses the International Procurement Instrument (IZM), emphasizing that its aim is to ensure reciprocity in public procurement markets. This instrument is designed to counteract practices by third countries that limit the access of European companies. The author points out that, although the IZM looks promising, it might have unintended effects on competition. The key is its responsible and non-discriminatory use.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

In the "Rzeczpospolita" daily, an article titled "Sustainable Development as a Criterion to Meet" has been published, authored by Dr. Grzegorz Wąsiewski, a member of SPZP.

The author emphasizes the importance of considering ESG in public procurement, analyzes potential challenges and conflicts associated with this process, and presents the legal framework for action in this area in both the European and Polish contexts.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

On August 31, 2023, the Public Procurement Law Association submitted comments to the Ministry of Development and Technology regarding the draft law on the certification of public procurement contractors and on the amendment of certain other acts.

The Association draws attention to, among other things:

  • Certification in terms of technical and professional capacity poses significant practical problems (especially in terms of certifying knowledge and experience).
  • Implementing the regulations in the proposed form may lead to the acceptance of superficial actions on the part of the contractors (including because the validity period of certificates is not correlated with the validity period of the entity documents).
  • Many provisions, including those concerning, among others, the course of the verification procedure conducted by authorized appeal bodies or the suspension of the certificate, are inadequate.

The members of the Public Procurement Law Association suggest, among others, the following changes to the draft law:

  • Limiting certification to the conditions for participation in the procedure referred to in art. 112 sec. 2 points 1-3 of the Pzp.
  • Shortening the validity period of the certificate to 1 year.
  • Introducing provisions that prevent a situation where the failure to obtain a certificate in practice will close the given contractor's opportunity to apply for the order.

The full text of the submitted comments is available at the link.

In the "Rzeczpospolita" daily, an article titled "Orders in the IT Industry and Unconventional Forms of Payment" was published, co-authored by Dr. Jakub Krysa, a member of SPZP.

Orders in the IT industry often take on unconventional forms of payment, which can lead to challenges in classifying these contracts under public procurement law. While some contracts may appear to be free, such as trial versions of software, they can contain hidden mutual services that in fact bring economic benefits. Therefore, it's important to have a precise understanding of the definition of "payment" in the context of the law and an individual analysis of each contract.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the newspaper.

In the "Rzeczpospolita" daily, an article titled "Minimum Wage and Strikingly Low Price" was published, authored by Paulina Sawicka, a member of SPZP.

The author explains that a contractor, even if they employ personnel based on a contract of mandate or a B2B contract, cannot offer an hourly rate lower than that stipulated by the applicable regulations. An important point is that the latest KIO ruling reverses the previous practice, whereby the obligation to include the minimum wage or rate in costs only applied to employment under a contract of employment. Now, the ruling emphasizes the importance of the statutory minimum wage, regardless of the type of contract.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the newspaper.

An article titled "Public Procurement: Can a Power of Attorney be Supplemented?" has been published in the Rzeczpospolita daily, co-authored by Tomasz Zalewski, a member of the SPZP Audit Committee.

The article discusses the issue of supplementing power of attorney within public procurement. Since 2019, the Public Procurement Law allows for the supplementation of deficiencies in the power of attorney during the appeal process. However, the law does not specify what deficiencies in the power of attorney can be supplemented.

The case law practice of the National Appeal Chamber shows that supplementing the deficiencies in the power of attorney when submitting an application is only possible when the correct power of attorney was mistakenly not attached to the application. In cases where the power of attorney was not attached to the application, supplementing deficiencies is impossible.

The authors of the article question this interpretation of the regulations, arguing that it does not directly follow from their content.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "What's with these facilitations in public procurement law?" has appeared in the Rzeczpospolita daily, authored by Wojciech Merkwa, a member of the SPZP Board.

The article discusses controversies surrounding Article 117 of the Public Procurement Law in Poland, which imposes experience requirements for contractors bidding for public procurement.

The author emphasizes that this regulation can hinder small and medium-sized enterprises from gaining experience and expanding their business, as it requires them to have specific experience before they can implement a given investment.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "Troubles with Interpreting the Exclusion Period of a Contractor" by Jaroslaw Jerzykowski, a member of SPZP, appeared in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

"The occurrence of an exclusion premise in relation to the contractor eliminates him from the public procurement procedure, and his offer is subject to rejection (Art. 226 section 1 point 2 letter a) of the Act of September 11, 2019 - Public Procurement Law (consolidated text Journal of Laws from 2022 item 1710 as amended - p.z.p.)). Circumstances constituting the exclusion premises from the proceedings have a very diverse character, but their common denominator is the imposition of a penalty on the contractor in the form of elimination from the public procurement procedure due to an undesirable legal or factual situation in which he found himself."

The author analyzes interpretive difficulties associated with the exclusion period of a contractor from a public procurement procedure, as described in Polish Public Procurement Law. The exclusion of a contractor, who meets certain conditions, is a crucial part of the public procurement process. The article particularly emphasizes ambiguities related to the interpretation of the exclusion period for different premises, such as conclusion of an agreement disrupting competition (tender collusion) or improper performance of significant obligations arising from previous contracts. Some of these issues have already been interpreted by the National Appeals Chamber and the Court of Justice of the European Union, however, there are still ambiguities, which emphasizes the need for more precise legal regulations.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "Sole Source Procedure for Defense-Road Procurements" by Żaneta Urbaniak, a member of the Polish Public Procurement Law Association (SPZP), was published in Rzeczpospolita daily.

"On May 23, 2023, a governmental bill was submitted to the Sejm – amending the act on the provision of information about the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection, and environmental impact assessments, along with some other laws (the 'bill'). A first glance at the title might suggest that this bill would not be particularly important for those involved in public procurement. However, even a cursory reading of the proposed bill dramatically changes that first impression. Indeed, according to Article 7 of the bill, the Polish legislator has effectively decided to introduce a new justification for sole source procurement. Furthermore, it has also decided to exempt the provisions on the procurement commission (Article 53-55 of the Act of September 11, 2019 - Public Procurement Law - 'PPL') and on publishing obligations (Article 216 PPL)."

The article discusses a bill introducing a new justification for awarding public contracts through a sole source procurement method, related to defense-road investments. It highlights ambiguities in the bill, such as the lack of definition of an "element essential for defense," and the possibility of awarding contracts without publishing information about them. It emphasizes the necessity to observe further work on the bill due to its potential impact on the road infrastructure sector.

The article is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

On June 1, 2023, the General Assembly of the Members of the Public Procurement Law Association took place. The meeting was an opportunity to summarize the Association's activities in the previous year, and also - due to the expiring term of the Association's authorities - to elect the authorities for the next term.

The newly appointed Board of SPZP consists of: Aldona Kowalczyk, Katarzyna Kuźma, Mirella Lechna-Marchewka, Piotr Bogdanowicz, Wojciech Merkwa, and Jan Roliński, while the Audit Committee includes: Anna Prigan, Anna Specht-Schampera, Anna Szymańska, Wojciech Hartung, Jarosław Jerzykowski, Jarosław Sroka, and Tomasz Zalewski.

The meeting concluded with a discussion about planned initiatives of the Association.

After two years of the Public Procurement Law being in effect and several of its amendments, the Public Procurement Law Association has reviewed the functioning of the law's regulations and assessed this regulation in the context of achieving the objectives of procurement directives, practical aspects of its application, and the efficiency of public funds spending.

As a result, the Association has developed a set of de lege ferenda postulates regarding selected legislative solutions, which it perceives as key areas requiring improvement.

During yesterday's conference "Revision of the Public Procurement Law - key legislative postulates of the Association" organized by the Association and the Chair of European Law of the University of Warsaw, a report containing these postulates was presented.
Report for download

Conference participants focused on several key aspects of the Public Procurement Law. Lively discussion was particularly sparked by the postulates related to the exclusionary premise associated with the non-performance or improper performance of a previous public procurement contract in the context of practical difficulties related to its application due to the current wording of the regulations. Ambitious postulates of the Association regarding appeal measures, including the institution of joining, as well as a number of other procedural aspects of the appeal proceedings, were also discussed.

Significant emphasis was placed on the procedure for canceling a public procurement contract and the issue of KIO's cognition in this area, as well as the need to regulate issues related to the contractors' compensation claims for violation of the Public Procurement Law by the contractors.

Today there is a conference "Revision of the Public Procurement Law - key legislative postulates of the Association", organized by the Public Procurement Law Association and the Chair of European Law at the University of Warsaw.

After reviewing the functioning of the law's regulations and evaluating its regulation in the context of achieving the objectives of procurement directives and practical aspects of its application, the Association has developed a set of postulates, which it perceives as key areas requiring improvement. The result of the analysis will be presented during today's conference in the form of a report.

In connection with this event, an interview appeared in the Rzeczpospolita daily with Mirella Lechna-Marchewka, a legal counsel and a member of the Association's board, in which she discussed some of the postulates. She drew attention to the problem of excluding contractors from tenders on the basis of imposed contractual penalties, emphasizing that a penalty does not always mean the contractor's unreliability. She questioned the practice of imposing contract content by the ordering party and the difficulties in claiming compensation. She pointed out that the Public Procurement Law Association proposes amendments for better implementation of EU law and clarity of national regulations.

The conversation is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

We are pleased to present the detailed agenda and all relevant details related to this event.

The Public Procurement Law Association and the Chair of European Law at the University of Warsaw are pleased to invite you to the conference: Revision of the Public Procurement Law – key legislative postulates of the Association

The Public Procurement Law has been in force for over 2 years. During this time, it was amended several times, including during its long vacatio legis. The National Appeals Chamber issued over 2000 rulings based on its provisions, and over 40 rulings were made in the Public Procurement Court.
It's high time to draw conclusions about the quality and effectiveness of the solutions adopted in the law.

The Association reviewed the functioning of the law's regulations and evaluated this regulation in the context of achieving the objectives of procurement directives and practical aspects of its application. As a result, the Association has developed a set of postulates de lege ferenda concerning selected legislative solutions, which it perceives as key areas requiring improvement.

The event will take place on May 30, 2023 in Warsaw, Collegium Juridicum II, Lipowa 4 street, A3 auditorium

Conference program:

11:50-12:00 Guest registration

12:00 – 12:05 Conference Opening – Aldona Kowalczyk, President of the Association's Board

12:10 – 13:30 Presentation of the Association's legislative postulates in selected areas of Public Procurement Law regulation:

exclusion criteria, conditions for participation in the procedure and electronic auction speakers: Katarzyna Kuźma, Wojciech Merkwa, Dr. Wojciech Hartung
public procurement contracts – speaker: Jarosław Sroka
legal remedies – speakers: Anna Prigan/Jarosław Jerzykowski
compensation in the Public Procurement Law – speaker: Dr. Aleksandra Sołtysińska
Questions and answers
Moderators: Irena Skubiszak-Kalinowska and Dr. Jarosław Kola

13:30 – 14:00 Discussion panel: Certification of public procurement contractors

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Piotr Bogdanowicz (Chair of European Law, University of Warsaw)
Panelist: Przemysław Grosfeld - Deputy Director at the Ministry of Development and Technology
Panelist: Jan Styliński – President of the Management Board of the Construction Employers' Association


We would like to remind you that participation in the conference is free of charge and possible after the organizer has confirmed the acceptance of the application.

The number of places is limited, applications are accepted in the order they are received. The possibility to register participation is available on this website.

An article titled "Indexation clause - panacea for inflation or placebo" by Martyna Wójcik, a member of the Public Procurement Law Association, was published in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

"The normative regulation of art. 439 par. 1 of the public procurement law in its original wording obliged contracting authorities to define in public procurement contracts, whose subject matter are construction works or services, concluded for a period longer than 12 months, the rules for changing the amount of remuneration due to the contractor in the event of a change in the price of materials or costs related to the implementation of the contract."

The article deals with changes in the Public Procurement Law in Poland, which introduce the obligation to include an indexation clause in public procurement contracts concluded for a period longer than 6 months. This change was introduced in response to the constant, extraordinary increase in the prices of goods and services observed since the second quarter of 2022, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

However, differences in the interpretation and application of the new regulation are visible in the rulings of the National Appeal Chamber, resulting from the lack of a clear specification of the purpose of the indexation clause. Some rulings emphasize the need to adjust remuneration to changed market conditions, others focus on a strictly linguistic interpretation of the Public Procurement Law provisions.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "How to confirm the non-punishment of foreigners in managerial or supervisory roles" by Anna Prigan, a member of the Public Procurement Law Association, was published in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

"A capital company registered in the Polish National Court Register should confirm the non-punishment of its board members, supervisory board and proxies by submitting a certificate from the Polish Criminal Record, even if all these people are citizens of another country."

In the case of capital companies registered in the Polish National Court Register, it is mandatory to confirm the non-punishment of board members, supervisory board and proxies. The company should submit a certificate from the Polish National Criminal Register, regardless of the citizenship of these individuals.

Current regulations do not require an ECRIS attachment for companies registered in Poland, but they do require it from citizens of other EU Member States. The regulations concerning the confirmation of non-punishment of foreigners in managerial or supervisory roles should be flexible and allow the possibility of presenting information on non-punishment issued in the country of citizenship or residence of the individual.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "The content of the offer is inconsistent with the terms of the order", authored by Marcin Boczek, a member of #SPZP, was published in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

"In the above-mentioned provision, the legislator unequivocally indicated how to submit the deposit in the form of a guarantee or surety to the Ordering Party. Therefore, there is no doubt that under PZP, for the deposit made in the form of an insurance guarantee to be considered correctly submitted, the document must be submitted to the Ordering Party in the original, in electronic form."

The author refers to examples from the rulings of the National Appeal Chamber. He emphasizes that it is important to submit the original of the pledge document in the form in which it was issued by the guarantor, and not, for example, a scanned document with the contractor's electronic signature.

This approach is aimed at ensuring the certainty of economic turnover and enabling the contracting authority to effectively validate guarantee documents.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "A lot depends on how the contractor provides explanations", authored by Michał Wojciechowski, a member of SPZP, was published in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

"The contractor has the obligation to ensure that each parameter indicated by him in the explanations regarding the calculation of the price is consistent with the technical documentation constituting the description of the subject of the order in the proceedings."

From the article, readers will learn how model explanations influence the contractor's offer, how to avoid rejecting an offer due to an outrageously low price, the consequences of irregularities in the offer, and the need to comply with technical requirements.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

An article titled "Offer content inconsistent with order conditions", co-authored by Dr. Jakub Krysa, a member of SPZP, was published in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

"One of the most common reasons for rejecting offers submitted by contractors in public procurement proceedings is their inconsistency with the requirements set by the ordering party.

The article discusses problems related to rejecting bids in public procurement proceedings due to non-compliance with the ordering party's requirements.

The authors discuss cases where bids are rejected due to non-compliance with order conditions, both in terms of substance and form. They also present the rulings of the National Appeal Chamber that influence the interpretation of "inconsistency" of the offer content with the order conditions.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

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