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In the Rzeczpospolita daily, an article titled "For whom is the Polish public procurement market" appeared, authored by Michał Wojciechowski, a member of SPZP.

The author discusses the participation of foreign contractors in the Polish public procurement market, noting that their presence is relatively low but increasing, especially in the context of strategic infrastructure investments. In 2022, foreign contractors accounted for 24% of the value of orders exceeding EU thresholds. Michał Wojciechowski points out changes in the law that may affect the market's accessibility for foreign firms, which has sparked controversy among local contractors. He also addresses examples from Romania and Croatia, where regulations have been introduced to limit the participation of foreign firms in public tenders, illustrating the dynamic and complex relationship between openness and the protection of national interests in the public procurement market.

The content of the publication is also available in the electronic version of the daily.

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